Flow Components has two options for you to redirect your Flow, you can either redirect your Flow to a new record or you can redirect your Flow to a URL. There are two Actions available in Flow, Redirect Flow – Record Id and Redirect Flow – URL. When you drag an Action interaction into the canvas, you’ll be able to type in redirect to see your two options.

Both Actions are available as a “headless” Action or can be displayed in a Screen as a button. For record id, you can add the record id for any record, including newly created records from your Flow. Simply put in the record id of the record you want to redirect to in the Record Id part of the Set Input Values and when your Flow lands on the Redirect Flow – Record Id Flow Action, the Flow will redirect to that record.

To be able to redirect your Flow to a URL, you can use the Redirect Flow – URL Flow Action. You can simply add your URL to the Redirect URL input in the Set Input Values section. This includes redirecting your Flow to a Record or any URL, and using variables from within your Flow to add to the URL. An example of redirecting the Flow using a URL with a recordId variable from within the Flow is below.

Additionally, you can use the Redirect Flow – Record Id and Redirect Flow – URL as a button in a Screen.

After selecting the Action in the Flow Screen, you can then fill in the appropriate information, such as the Record Id or the URL. The Button Label will display to the User as the button.

The button will display as below.


  1. Hi Rich. Thank you as always for this effort. I updated my package to get the new redirect to ID action, but I’m getting an error. I call the flow from a url list button in a related list on the case object. Debug shows it’s getting the created record’s ID, so it seems to be beyond that.

    Unable to find action ‘redirectRecord’ on the controller of ecflc:flowIdRedirect Failing descriptor: {ecflc:flowIdRedirect}

    1. I’m guessing this related to how a case is “special”. If I call the flow from an action it works fine. I want the button on the related list though. 🙁

      1. Hi Ben,
        I don’t think it has to do with the case, but perhaps that it is on the related list. You say that you’re getting the created record Ids? What are you trying to redirect to? Are all of the ids in a single variable or are you filtering to a single record id?

      2. Yeah I do think it is it being in the related list. It’s like the flow is stuck in that iframe or whatever it is now and can’t get out.
        The new record is created for sure and I am trying to redirect to the new record page. I’m using the record id from the single record variable that I assign values to and then create.
        I have since moved the create part to a lightning tab/flow component which does work, so probably that related list bit like you said.

      3. I did release a patch last night if you want to update from the appExchange to 1.3.1 and try again, let me know if that works.

      4. I updated, but didn’t notice a difference still stuck in that frame. Everything works but that though. I’m going to blame salesforce. 🙂

      5. I noticed for me it took a refresh or two of the page after the upgrade, didn’t work immediately. Try logging out and logging back in and trying one more time, if not, then something else must be going on…

    1. I had a feeling you were going to say that… Community navigation is a bit different unfortunately. At the moment, in communities, that’s the only way that it works.

    2. Hi Ben,

      If you redirect using a URL, you should be able to redirect to “/detail/”&{id} and it will open in the same page. Just tested and confirmed this functionality. Community navigation is a bit different, so this is the reason that you were opening to a new tab.

      1. Hi Rich,

        We are are also running Redirect Flow – URL in Experience Cloud. We have a button that passes a URL and some parameters to a payment system. That seems always open a new tab.

        Do you have any ideas on how we might get around the new tab when redirecting to an external web page?

      2. Hi Robert,

        That is how it works in communities with redirect in certain circumstances, I’m not sure how to change that at this time, or if it is possible.


  2. Ha, no worries. Maybe I can finish inside a community page. Just somewhere where the flow won’t restart.

    1. Try the run flow button, there is a setting to be able to refresh the record when the flow finishes as well as reset the flow to a button, that might take care of it for you.

  3. Great idea, but I need to be able to pass in a component variable unfortunately. It’s a knowledge article Id for some legal stuff. That allows the page builder (generally marketing) to change that if needed. I could hard code it in the flow instead, but it’s just different than they’re used to.

  4. I’m also seeing this error even after creating an input/output (just in case) variable named recordId.

    The value null is being provided for variable recordId but isn’t compatible with the variable’s data type (String).

  5. Hi Ben,

    I have to create a list view button/quick action in lightning page which launches the flow to create a record and once created need to redirect to record detail.
    I have created a lightning button with floe url to launch the flow and using it on the list view as for some reason I could not get the lightning quick action show up in the Lightning list view.

    When I click on the lightning button on list it launches a flow and creates a record but failing to redirect. I am using lightning action(referencing the component to redirect to record) in flow and passing the record id in the flow but, still does not navigate to record detail when flow finishes. Can you please help in what could be the best approach to this ?

    1. Hi Sarah,

      In our new release (coming soon!) we should have the ability to redirect to a flow in lightning. The issue right now is that the flow is running in classic runtime, even with lightning “activated”, so the navigation doesn’t work since it started in classic. With the upcoming release, we have a way to have it launch to a lightning component (instead of launching directly into the Flow URL), which allows up the update. Stay tuned!

  6. Hello Rich, this is awesome, thank you. Is there a solution that allows for a redirect in the same browser window? User gets the pop-up blocker message on mobile (I think it is enabled by default on iOS).

      1. Sure Rich, thanks for the reply. The user is on an iPhone accessing a community public page that is running a flow on it. At the end of the flow, I would like to send them to a URL. When I use your component, it works well on desktop. On the iPhone, I get a pop-up blocked message (I think pop-ups are blocked by default). I was wondering if I could redirect in the same browser window.

      2. Hi Andy,

        If you redirect using a URL, you should be able to redirect to “/detail/”&{id} and it will open in the same page. Just tested and confirmed this functionality.

  7. I tried both the Record and URL Redirect Actions: No error messages, but not redirection occurs. I used variables and hardcoded values for testing. Any clue what I’m doing wrong?

    1. Hi Mo,

      How are you launching the flow, via a URL? If so, please try using a quick action type of Flow instead with recordId as the input variable for the record. The URL button still runs without lightning navigation service, so the redirect doesn’t work when using the older URL calling the flow through a button.


  8. Hi

    I’ve set this up in my Flow as a core action (Redirect Flow – Record Id), using the variable {!recordId}, but it just takes me back to the original record and not the newly-created record.

    I’m new to Flows and to variables, so I’m not sure what I need to do to have the new record open?

    Thanks in advance


    1. Hi Karen,

      The {!recordId} variable is the id of the record that started the Flow, which is why it is redirecting you to the original record. In the Flow, when you make your update, there should be an Id that is assigned to the new record. If you use that variable, perhaps if you named it contact it could be something like {!contact.Id}, then it should redirect you to the id of that new record instead of the original one. I hope that helps!


  9. Hi,
    I’m trying to use the Redirect to a Record Id using a Field service mobile flow but I cant find the action.
    As a work around I created a screen flow with the above action and tried to save (“save as”) it as a mobile flow and I’m getting the following error:

    Redirect_to_Checklist (Action) – The action type “Local Actions” can’t be used in flows with the process type “Field Service Mobile Flow”.

  10. Hi, I’m trying to launch the flow using a custom button with the URL of the flow because I need to put this button in a Search List View and it is the only kind of button that I can put there (I tried with an action button with the flow and also I tried an action button with a LWC but I can’t associated them to the Search List View).

    My problem is when I tried to use this from a Community. There is no way to get back to previos page. Do you know if exist a way to do wat I want to do? I mean, to launch the flow from the Search List View and once the flow has been finished return to the same Search List View.

      1. Hi Rich! Thanks for your quickly answer!

        About my problem, well I have to tell you that since I posted my problem the developer that work with me he founds a solution. Now the flow is invoked from a LWC and at the end it is redirected to the created record (Loan). it’s work fine!

        But, I will put another redirection in the flow, when I have some problems to create the Loan (business matters/problems) I want to redirect the flow to this URL:


        So, according with the link that you send me, I have to make the URL as:


        (00B1k000002fy1REAQ is the “name” of the Search List View of Loan).

        Is that correct?

        Thanks a lot Rich!!


      2. Hi Daniel,

        If you’re doing the list view, you’ll have to go to the list view in the community and see the url structure to copy, that url structure I sent is specific to a record.


  11. I’m trying to use the Redirect URl, but it does not work. I have tried both the Button and Action, with a variable with the value “/o/Contact/list” (and many other variations, but no success. This is very promising, and quite needed. Please help!

  12. Hi There

    I am afraid this does not work for me when I place my flow containing the redirect action to a community site. It gives me an error – I suspect this is due to security settings – do you have any advice how to resolve this issue?

    Thanks in advance!

      1. Hi Rich

        Thank you for getting back to me – I tried setting the url to https://google.com just to see what happens and Flow is showing this error:

        Error Occurred: We can’t execute this action. Ask your admin to check that the “ecflc:flowURLRedirect” Lightning component’s client-side controller includes an “invoke” method and that My Domain is enabled and deployed for your org.

        Do you have any idea why this could be? I am using currently testing the components in a Sandbox.

        Thanks a lot for your time.

      2. Hi Rich,

        This may help – I also installed another lightning component I was having issues adding to my community.

        The developer said this was due to my site being set as Relaxed CSP environment and made some changes to the component which made it work.

        I have tried changing my site’s settings to Strict CSP – it has not resolved the issue, I am afraid.

  13. Hi Rich,

    Is there some sort of managed packaged that needs to be downloaded to use the Redirect Flow? I am not seeing these an possible actions to choice from.

      1. Rich,

        Appreciate the quick response. Do you know if it would be possible to use it to redirect to the edit lines screen in CPQ? Or is there the potential to run into an issue there?

  14. Hi There,

    I have a flow that I launch via URL from a list view. It takes the IDs passed in via the selected checkboxes on the list view. All was fine, but I wanted to make use of your Redirect Flow – URL component. When I added it the button I made doesn’t work when clicking. So I read that I need to launch it via the lightning runtime using the RunFlowFromURL. I did this but was getting an error: “Invalid request, post must use JSON.” So I read that the work-around was to change the setting on the custom button to disable “Display Checkboxes (for Multi-Record Selection)
    .” This got rid of the error, however now it’s not passing in the IDs of the checked records.

    I’m trying to launch a screen flow in lightning runtime using this link:

    I’ve set the recordid to 0 because at the time of the link rendering I don’t know what the IDs are that will be selected.

    Is there a way to get the IDs of the checked items passed in properly using this method?

    1. Mike – I have the same question and a similar use case. I am trying to launch a flow from a list view button, so I have to use either a custom button (which doesn’t use lightning runtime) or the new method (https://englhardconsulting.com/call-flow-in-lightning-runtime-through-a-url/), but I can’t get the redirect to work with option 1 and with option 2 I’m unable to collect the selected record ID’s from the list view and I receive the same error – “Invalid request, post must use JSON”.

      Hopefully we can be advised of a workaround to navigate to a dynamic URL from a list view button!

      1. I didn’t get a reply so just went back to the default way of doing it without using this library. Fingers crossed you receive some kind of response.

      2. Hi Mike and Chris,

        You can do this. Instructions are almost the same for the related list post, https://englhardconsulting.com/related-list-button-to-send-records-to-flow/, but the difference is that you’ll be using the list view object as the standard controller. So if you’re on Account, use Account as the standard controller and add the URLFOR button to the Account object. It can handle passing in ids (you’ll need variables, ids (collection, input) and recordId (collection, input) even if you’re not going to use them since the lightning component requires it) so you can iterate over them, redirect to them, etc. Since you’re on a list view, there is not a single record Id, so you don’t add the recordId=Account.Id since that doesn’t exist. So, you’ll need the VF page to handle the id collection which also redirects to the lightning component, which allows the lightning component to redirect. Let me know how it works for you, I’ll have to work on a post specific for list views!


      3. Rich – thanks for the reply! I hadn’t seen that article but it does have very similar config. I believe I followed your instructions correctly with the VF page and the LV button, but when I click the list view button I just get a blank white page. No errors or browser redirect issues. Permissions are all set.

        I’m using a custom object APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c and the API name of my screen flow is Flow_Batch_LV_Button.

        Here’s the VF page:

        Here’s the LV button:

        Any ideas?

  15. Hi Rich,

    Good Day!

    I have a use case. I wan to redirect to child record detail page(Loan) from Parent( Account). Action should be peform from NBA screen on Account page. This should use Flow internally for rediection. Can you please suggest me a solution.

    Note: I dont want to create any custom component.


  16. Hi Rich,

    Firstly thank you for developing this and pushing it out free of charge.

    I have a use case that I was wondering if it were possible to achieve using Flow Components.

    I want to re-direct to a URL outside of Salesforce and also potentionally re-direct in a way that mailto: would be invoked to open the users default application for sending emails.

    Do you reckon this is possible?

    Kind Regards

  17. Hi!
    we use “Redirect Flow – Record Id” in a screen flow but when clicking on the button nothing happens, I don’t see errors in the console. The flow is launched in modal mode from a Flow Button component on a flexi page, there we pass to the flow the recordId of the flexiPage. The record Id is correctly populated and we use this value in the Redirect component.
    We use the same component in an another screen flow launched by the same flexi page and here the button “Redirect Flow – Record Id” works properly.
    Could you kindly suggest checks that we can do to debug why in that specific case the redirect button does not work?

    Kind Regards,

    1. Hi Valerio,

      The navigation service with lightning has to run, so if the flexi page is hosting a visualforce page and the visualforce page is running the flow, that could be the issue. Are you using to run the flow? How are you starting the flow in the flexipage?

      1. Hi,

        thank you for the feedback! Actually we are running the flow from a Flexi page using a flow button component.
        Do you have in mind other possible causes?

        Kind Regards,

  18. Am not sure why but the redirect actions are not working. I have used them as Action and also as screen elements. Nothing happens.

  19. I’m the same as Maneesh…any help would be a massive saver!

    Englhard..you’re our only hope!

  20. I installed the package from appexchange but I can’t find the components in the flow builder

  21. I was trying to use this at the end of a record triggered flow, which deletes the record a user is currently viewing and creates a new record on another object. Unfortunately, this component doesn’t seem to work on record triggered flows, which is strange because I believe we already have the capability of redirecting from screen flows.

    1. Hi David,

      Correct, the redirect only works with screen flows. There isn’t a way to change something in the UI unless you go with a custom button, when something saves, it could be an API that saves it, it could be a user, so there is no navigation on record triggered flows or apex triggers. You need to have a screen flow/lightning component/visualforce page and redirect the user after the save through a button click. As of right now, there is not an out of the box way to redirect a screen flow in Salesforce.


  22. Hello , May I ask if we can display a powerpoint presentation from a screenflow element? My objective is to Run a screen flow for a demo and I dont want to switch between Powerpoint slides and Salesforce screen. Is this achievable? If yes, how? if not, what else I could do?

  23. Hi,
    created a screen flow to delete record calling flow using quick action
    i want to add “navigate to url ” action element in flow
    please help me with the actual steps

  24. Hi Rich,

    I hope you’re well.

    I am trying to pass through the record Id into the screenflow using code in the custom URL followed by your url. However, I can’t seem to redirect to the record when using both in conjunction.

    This is my URL below:

    The first part is bringing through the record Id of object Sponsorship right (master detail relationship) and yours is redirecting to a new Rights__c record.

    If I remove the record Id passing it works but I am not sure if I am missing something in the URL. (Or even if possible).

    Many thanks,

    1. Hi Juan,

      Yes, you can pass variables into the url. I see your variable has an ‘s’ in it, it won’t work on a collection, but should work on a variable inside the collection.


  25. Hi,
    I have a list view custom button and launching flow from this button. I added this redirect flow in the end and it is not redirecting. Flow loading again as new start.
    What ma I missing?
    Thank you

  26. Hi Rich,

    I have tried using the Action Redirect Flow – URL and Redirect Flow – Record ID in a screen flow but neither are working when used in community. The flow works up until the redirect and then I receive an unhandled fault. The flow error that is emailed to me says the following,
    “Error element Redirect_to_Event_URL (FlowActionCall).
    We can’t execute this action. Ask your admin to check that the “ecflc:flowURLRedirect” Lightning component’s client-side controller includes an “invoke” method and that My Domain is enabled and deployed for your org.”

    The domain is enabled and deployed so I’m really struggling with what the issue could be. Please help!


    1. Does it work for an admin? Did you install for all users? There is an apex method that might need to be added to the community user’s profile/permission set to allow them to call it.

      1. Well, this is strange. We have an Org that has several different community pages. The redirects work for all pages except for one and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why. I’ve tried combing through all the settings and permissions and haven’t noticed any discrepancies.

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